Saved Animal


Animal hospital on wheel

Samast Mahajan: Saving Lives, 11 Ambulances at a Time

In the heart of Mumbai, there's a beacon of hope for our furry and feathered friends – Samast Mahajan. With a fleet of 11 ambulances strategically stationed across the city, this organization has emerged as a guardian angel for animals and birds in need.

A Healing Touch for Every Creature

These ambulances have not just been vehicles; they have been sanctuaries of life, having successfully treated over 31,000 animals, ranging from domestic pets which include birds, dogs, cows and many more. Samast Mahajan's dedication knows no bounds; it extends to all species that share our world.

Equipped for Every Emergency

Each ambulance is a mobile hospital, boasting state-of-the-art facilities. From fully functional operation theaters to anesthesia units, and from oxygen cylinders to concentrators, every possible life-saving equipment finds its place within these ambulances. Moreover, the organization ensures that essential medications and tools are always at hand, with a dedicated freezer for injections and medicines, making timely treatments possible.




Head Office 409,Prasad Chambers, Opera House, Mumbai - 400004

22060390/ 23620546


Registered Office B/108, Sun West Bank, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad - 380009

(079) 30027800


308, Vitta Bhavan, Nr. Gurukul, Gondal Rd, Rajkot, Gujarat 360002


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